Baptism is the first sacrament of initiation into our Catholic faith and the foundation of Christian life. In the Sacrament of Baptism we are reborn of the water and of the Holy Spirit, and we are invited to share in the mission of Jesus Christ here on Earth.
Infant Baptism

Infant Baptism corresponds to any child up to and including seven years of age.
For your child to be baptized at St. Isaac Jogues, all of the following requirements must be completed prior to the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. Parents are required to complete each of the forms found in the page and to obtain the necessary information as you plan the Baptism of your child in St Isaac Jogues. To baptize a child from another parish requires written permission of the parish where the parents are registered. Arrangements must be made at least a month in advance with the coordinator.
For further information please call at office between Monday – Thursday 9-1:00 pm
Baptisms Dpt at 407-792-1806
**** Email:**
St Isaac Jogues offers Baptisms in English and Spanish every week.
Baptism ceremonies are held on Saturdays.
Can I baptize my child at St. Isaac Jogues if we are not a registered member of your parish, But we live close?
Yes, St. Isaac Jogues does not require parents to be registered; however, it is suggested that parents are active members of the community because they are responsible for the child’s faith formation.
It is required that the parents and (or) godparents be a part of the parish community of St. Isaac Jogues.
The decision to baptize your child in the Catholic Church is a commitment to raise your child in the Catholic faith, and you should take this seriously.
Parents are new to the Church or come from another Church:
You should go to the Church in your area, and that will be the first option for you to prepare the baptism of your child, however if you prefer to do the baptism preparation at this Church, you will need a permission letter from your church.
How much does it cost to baptize my child at St. Isaac Jogues?
There is no charge for the Sacramental celebration. Families are encouraged to give a donation to the parish on the day of their child’s Baptism. Please keep in mind that there are administrative expenses, we encourage you to be generous.
When should parents contact St Isaac Jogues about Baptism preparation for their child?
The parents need to register using the forms provided on top of the page to begin with the process. You need to keep in mind that it might take a minimum of 2 months to baptize your child.
** The Hours of The Baptism Office Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. at 1:00 p.m.
When choosing baptismal sponsors, it is important to know the requirements that the Catholic Church establishes in order to be a sponsor or godmother of baptism. And it is necessary to fulfill a series of criteria that ensure that the mission of the sponsors will be fulfilled, that is, to support the parents to instruct the new Christian in the faith.
What are the requirements for the Godparent?
- You must be at least 16 years of age.
- You must have celebrated your Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion.
- The minimum of one sponsor is required. When there are two, one must be selected from each gender. No more than two sponsors are allowed.
- You must be a Catholic who is in good standing with the Church.
- If the godparents are married you must be married in the Catholic Church.
- You will be required to participate in a Baptismal Preparation Class. Call the parish office for more information.
- If you are not a registered member of St. Isaac Jogues you will need to bring a form or letter from the parish in which you are registered.
Can the Godparents be a non-Catholic?
No, the Godparents (at least one of them) needs to be a practicing Catholic. Otherwise the person will be acting as a witness for the Sacrament of Baptism.
Baptismal Class preparation.
Parents and Godparents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class. If they are unable to attend the class at St. Isaac’s, you may attend a class offered by any another parish. A letter/certificate confirming attendance must be submitted to St. Isaac Jogues.
Why are the Baptismal preparation classes necessary?
The baptismal class preparation helps parents and Godparents understand the commitment and responsibility of raising a child in the Catholic Faith. Also, it helps them understand more about the Sacrament of Baptism. In each class you learn something different about our faith and how we experience it. If you recently attended a baptism preparation class, here, there is no need to assist to another one. They are good for 2 years.
Remember that the cornerstone of the Baptism process is the concept that there exists a basis of hope that the child will be raised in the Catholic faith.
Baptism Class Preparation / Parents and Godparents.
Baptismal prep is necessary because the parents are requesting a sacrament for another person, so hold the responsibility that comes with the sacrament on the child’s behalf.
Parents and godparents’ need to know about their faith and what their faith practices are. (Not just attending Mass, but conforming to the teachings of the Church in all areas.) Our Canon Law 868.1 n.2 notes that for a child to be baptized there must be a realistic hope that he will be brought up in the Catholic religion and have completed the necessary requirements.
The baptismal class helps understand the commitment and responsibility of parents and godparents in the growth of the child’s faith. Also, that we acquire more knowledge on the topic.
All parents and godparents must attend baptism preparation classes prior the baptism. Before selecting Godparents, please carefully review the Godparent Information Form.
We offer Baptism Preparation Class in modular D. You need to register on the class (form provided on top of the page) to get the day and time of the class scheduled.
Coordinator email:
Class Location Modular B
If you need a certificate of the class because you are going to baptize in another church please call the baptism office after the class. There is a $15 contirbution per person and $25 per couple. Please be sure to sign in when you enter the class.
Faith Links
From the Catechism (found on
How You Can Help
We are always looking for volunteers to help our parish bring new members into the Catholic faith. Please contact our parish office for more information.
¿Puedo Bautizar a Mi Hijo en St. Isaac Jogues, Si No Somos Miembros Registrados De Su Parroquia, Pero Vivimos Cerca?
Sí, San Isaac Jogues no requiere que los padres estén registrados; sin embargo, se sugiere que los padres sean activos en la iglesia porque son los encargados de la formación de fe del niño.
Se requiere que los padres y(o) padrinos sean parte de la comunidad parroquial de St. Isaac Jogues.
La decisión de bautizar a su hijo en la Iglesia católica es un compromiso para criar a su hijo en la fe Católica, y usted debe tomarse esto en serio.
Y Si Los Padres Viven Lejos O Vienen De Otra Parroquia?
La Iglesia en su área, será la primera opción para que usted prepare el bautismo de su hijo. Sin embargo, si prefiere hacer la preparación del bautismo en esta parroquia, usted necesitará una carta de permiso de su iglesia y pagar la contribucion de $15 por persona o $25 por pareja.
¿Cuánto Cuesta Bautizar a Mi Hijo en San Isaac Jogues?
No se cobra por la celebración sacramental. Pero hay que tener en cuenta de que hay gastos administrativos, por lo que le sugerimos que por favor sean generosos.
¿Cuándo Deben Los Padres Comunicarse Con San Isaac Jogues Para La Preparación Del Bautismo Para Su Hijo?
Los padres deben llenar el formulario que esta en la parte de arriba de la pagina de bautizoa para comenzar el proceso. Deben tener en cuenta que puede tomar un mínimo de 2 meses para bautizar a su hijo(a).
** El Horario De La Oficina De Bautismo lunes a jueves de 9:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m.
A la hora de escoger los padrinos de bautizo, es importante conocer los requisitos que la Iglesia catolica establece para poder ser padrino o madrina de bautismo. Y es necesario cumplir una serie de criterios que aseguren que se cumplirá la misión de los padrinos, es decir, la de apoyar a los padres para instruir al nuevo cristiano en la fe.
¿Cuáles Son Los Requisitos Para Los Padrinos?
- Deben estar inscritos como feligreses practicantes de una iglesia católica.
- Tener al menos 16 años de edad.
- Haber realizado todos los sacramentos de iniciación (Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación).
- Se requiere mínimo un PADRINO/MADRINA. Cuando hay dos, uno debe ser seleccionado de cada género.
- Debe ser un católico practicante. Esto incluye la participación en la misa todos los domingos.
- Si está casado, debe estar casado en la Iglesia Católica o puede ser soltero(a)
- Esta requerido participar en la clase Pre-Bautismal. Por favor llame a la oficina para mas informacion.
¿Pueden Los Padrinos Ser No católicos?
No, los padrinos (al menos uno de ellos) necesitan ser Católicos practicantes. De lo contrario, la persona actuará como testigo del Sacramento del Bautismo.
Preparación De La Clase Bautismal.
Se requiere que los padres y los padrinos asistan a una clase de preparación bautismal. Si no puede asistir a la clase en San Isaac, puede asistir a una clase ofrecida por cualquier otra parroquia. Debe de traernos una carta o certificado que confirme la asistencia a dichas clases.
La preparación de la clase bautismal ayuda a los padres y padrinos a comprender el compromiso y la responsabilidad de criar a un niño en la fe católica. También, les ayuda a entender más sobre el Sacramento del Bautismo. En cada clase aprendes algo diferente sobre nuestra fe y cómo la experimentamos. Si recientemente asistió a una clase de preparación para el bautismo, en esta parroquia, no hay necesidad de asistir a otra clase estas son válidas por dos años.