The Art and Environment Ministry has been an important part of the liturgy of St. Isaac Jogues Church since it was founded in 1987. Prayer is lifting our hearts and minds to God, and members of A and E look upon our “work” as another form of prayer. With our efforts we hope to convey a sense of the beauty of God’s Nature and an atmosphere where parishioners can experience the prayerfulness of the passing seasons. As we beautify God’s house of worship, our ministry keeps in mind the liturgical calendar to celebrate the main divisions of the year – Ordinary Time, Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter. We coordinate our decorations and flower arrangements with feasts such as Christ the King, Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, Feast Day of St. Isaac Jogues, Blessed Trinity Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Pentecost, and so many more. Additionally, we reflect the celebrations of First Holy Communion, Confirmation, and Fall Harvest.
After Lent is over, we will be back to our regular time of Fridays, 9:30 am, when we prepare the flowers for the weekend Masses. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, please call Judy Wieckowski, 407-384-6184, and arrange to have a tour of our Flower Room. You don’t have to have a “green thumb” – we do many things in addition to flower arranging and can use the help of people of all ages and talents.