
Our meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of the month in the parish hall in rooms 1 and 2. We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!

Contact Info

Teresa Greene  President
Phone: 828-773-0237
Johanna Versaci – Vice President
Phone: 407-242-7378

Our History and Acknowledgements

Since the 1990s, the Women’s Guild has been an active organization at St. Isaac Jogues. During that time, we have focused our actions and activities on assisting those in need of money, food and friendship.

Our Mission

To provide fellowship for the women of St. Isaac Jogues; to help our parish, the Catholic Church and our local community with our talents, time and treasure as deemed appropriate by our members.

Our Goal

To further spiritual and parish endeavors; to work with other ministries, civic and social agencies to assist in meeting their needs.

How to Join

Please attend a meeting or fill out an application form and drop it in the Sunday collection basket. We look forward to having you as a member of our Guild!

Activities / Events

Throughout the calendar year, the Women’s Guild holds several activities and events that help us work toward our mission. Through fund raising and social interaction, we hope to attain the goals our organization has set forth.


The Guild spends much of our time helping those in need. Below is a list of fundraising events that we hold throughout the course of the year. Please check out our calendar for future events.

  • Fashion Show
  • Bake and Craft Sale
  • Rummage Sale
  • Sunday Morning Refreshments (for St. Vincent de Paul Society)
  • Lenten Soup and Salad held before Stations of the Cross (for St. Vincent de Paul Society)

We are also happy to be able to help two organizations who help mothers choose life for their babies. Please click on the clinks below to visit their websites.

JMJ Life Center
BETA Center

We sponsor a Baby Shower during the anniversary weekend of Roe vs. Wade in January.

Social Events

Below is a list of social events the Guild holds during the year. Please check out our calendar for future events.

  • Corporate Lunch
  • New Member Tea
  • Halloween Party
  • Christmas Lunch

Teresa Greene

Johanna Versaci