In the Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) we encounter Jesus Christ, who after rising from the dead breathed the Holy Spirit on his Apostles and gave them the power to forgive sins in his name. The Heart of Christ burns with love for us and he wants us to experience his immense and unfathomable mercy by confessing ours sins and receiving his forgiveness. This Sacrament gives us the consolation of God’s pardon and strengthens our relationship with Christ and his Church.
Faith Links
From the Catechism (found on Vatican.va)
Any person who has been previously baptized within the Catholic Church and is of at least 7 years of age.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation, or confession, is celebrated for the first time prior to receiving first Holy Communion. As part of this process, the catechist will work with a priest and schedule a time to for this special occasion. To prepare for your conversation with God through the priest within the Sacrament, it is a good idea to perform an examination of conscience. This may be done during the time leading up to the Sacrament, normally but not limited to about 15 to 30 minutes prior to the conversation.
Day of Sacrament
Examination of Conscience
As discussed previously, you will want to perform an examination of conscience prior to receiving the Sacrament. For those receiving the Sacrament for the first time, your catechist will talk about how to do this by reflecting on and discussing the Ten Commandments, the teachings of Jesus and what the Catholic Church teaches. For everyone receiving the Sacrament, the examination is meant for you to reflect on the ways that we have fallen to temptations, called sin, with the intent on reconciling and determining how we can stay close to Jesus with the graces that come with this Sacrament.
First Reconciliation
The date and time of your First Reconciliation will be discussed with you by your catechist or priest.
Other Times
Every Saturday from 7:00am to 9:00am